Four Fridays for Jorge

I’ve been absent from this website during a long time, much of my time online was devoted to reading and commenting on news portals and social networks, 2% music 98% begging for peace in the world. However, I’ve just published this one on my Facebook account and I felt like copying it here.

Each time we talk about Jorge “Negro” González, it comes out that we all still miss him a lot… Caveat, he asked that we remember him with joy 😀

That’s what we intend to do, with “Cuatrix”, one of his creations, on Friday, March 9th, at 23h30, and it will be a great honor to take part in this event which covers four Fridays.

Right before, at 22h, there will be the projection of video takes, material which Carlos Américo González hadn’t resolved to show yet, with anectods of how he got to be a musician, told by Jorge himself.

Don’t miss it.

Flyer Cuatrix in Blackman Friday March 9th 2018, 23h30

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